Heidi Peterson

Superpower: Creative discovery and X-ray vision in uncovering your greatest capacities and leveraging them to elevate your mission and amplify your impact!

For more than 25 years, my passion has been connecting corporations, foundations and individuals with the programs and activities around the world that help them fulfill their vision for a better future. I do this through involving high net-worth prospects in the issues that most inspire them, meet their personal and business bottom lines, and align with their social values. With broad experience in several multinational, non-governmental organizations, I work with organizational leadership, their donors, volunteers and prospects to amplify engagement, and drive more money to the mission.  My sweet spots are understanding diverse multi-national funding environments so as to leverage fundraising options and constituencies to help causes around the world as well as in maximizing legal structures of nonprofits and social enterprises.

Earlier, her career experience has been with organizations that seek to end global poverty, improve access to public health and basic education, for the world’s population living on under $2 per day. Past roles include: GLOBAL PARTNERSHIPS, CARE USA, CARE INDIA, ROOM TO READ, PATH, JDRF, MOBILITY OUTREACH INT’L, and GRAMEEN FOUNDATION.  Specialties: Social justice, nonprofit strategy, structure and management, fundraising, public health, social entrepreneurship, literacy and education, arts and sciences, small economic activities development (micro-enterprise / village banking), corporate social responsibility (CSR), extractive industries in India, coffee and apparel industries in Southern Africa, Central America and South East Asia, bilateral and multilateral funding, Spanish speaking environments, Latin America and the Caribbean. Experienced in helping create multi-generational wealth, family legacy, estate planning and taxation related to end-of-life gifts through vehicles such as insurance, wills, estates, and various trusts.  She holds an MA in Public Administration, from the University of Washington and has obtained certifications such as an MPA, CFRE and CSPG.  She is fluent in Spanish, an experienced sailor and a passionate global traveler to 30+ countries.