Black Fox Philanthropy had their company retreat earlier this month, and one of the team exercises was creating a personal brand statement.

For me, a personal brand refers to how you present yourself energetically; your heart, skills, experience, and aspirations for impact. It’s what sets you apart from others as a unique leader.

We found the exercise so powerful we decided to share it with the impact sector to help you move through the Skoll World Forum and other convenings with greater intention and joy.

Professional Brand Exercise 

This is a personal statement, not an externally-facing brand.  But it does create an ‘Inner GPS’ and informs how you show up in the world.  Reciting your brand like a mantra plants seeds into your subconscious mind, which then guides your evolution into the full expression of your brand statement.

When things occur that are in alignment with your brand statement, it anchors the unfolding of it in even more deeply.

Optional 45 – 50 Minute Homework (because let’s face it, we’re all flat out getting ready for SWF!):

1.  Take the $12 version Enneagram; the free version is not as accurate. The $12 version is like someone lived with you for a year then wrote up a report of who you are!

2.  Answer at 3-4 of the questions from Crafting Your Why that most make you feel alive.

Exercise Guiding Questions:

  • What strengths, or ‘Native Genius’, of mine do I most relish?
  • What are the strengths that others acknowledge in me?
  • When working on a team, what roles do I seek to fulfill?
  • What was the most successful project I ever tackled and what made me successful?
  • Which strengths feel most meaningful in terms of my contribution to the impact sector?
  • Which of my strengths make me feel most Alive?


  • Which of the skills you identified do you feel most embody who you are professionally now?
  • Which of these skills/strengths or ‘genius’ do you most want to embody in 3 – 5 years, and be KNOWN for?


  • What are your Top Five Values?  Circle all but whittle to five (not easy!)
  • What values most connect to your strengths?

Crafting a Brand Statement 

5-10 minutes ‘do it ugly’ to get to the essence.  (Can pretty it up later if need more time.)

Your Brand should be:  Brief • Easy to Understand • Compelling •  Relevant • Differentiated • Authentic (and/or Aspirational)

Natalie Rekstad’s example from 2015 that she ‘grew into’ is:  ‘Powerful Influencer on a Global Scale’

Natalie Draft 2023 (work in progress):  ‘Heart-led Inclusive Leader who Inspires by Example’

It’s also great fun when team members come up with a brand statement for you; it gives you a glimpse into how you are viewed, and has the potential to stretch you into an even fuller expression of influence and impact.

In seeking an image to go along with this post, I came across a fantastic article in HBR on the topic; this guidance takes the exercise even further.

Have fun with this!  And if you feel comfortable, please share it with me when we see each other in Oxford!

In light,

Natalie Rekstad

Black Fox Philanthropy, B Corp