by Natalie Rekstad, Founder & CEO of Black Fox Philanthropy & Katherine Redington Vice President of Social Impact Journeys and Business Development at Elevate Destinations

At the 5th Annual Collaboration Cocktails at Opportunity Collaboration this past October, Black Fox Philanthropy teamed up with Katherine Redington of Elevate Destinations to spur conversation.  We invited Elevate Destinations because of their compelling and responsible trips, which help non-profits connect their donors to the heart of their work abroad and to each other.  To that end, the question we put forth was:  

What is one lesson you’ve learned this year that you’d like to share with others at OC and beyond?

Hoping to spark creativity and spur delegates toward distilled wisdom, this question included a qualifier: the answer had to fit on a sticky note. 

  1. Have intentionality with who you ‘think’ you’d like to meet but leave ample room to discover surprises in every single person you come across.
  2. Some of the best blessings come from people who have resources, connections, and missions that you didn’t even know you were looking for.
  3. Let go of your expectations and let serendipity present herself!
  4. NEVER stop learning.
  5. I do not have power.  Power has me.
  6. Reach as far as your imagination takes you.
  7. Believe you are the best in what you do.
  8. Ego is a wonderful servant and a lousy master.
  9. Hard work will always outweigh talent.
  10. Be confident enough to accept your faults.
  11. Pay attention to who isn’t talking, not just who is.
  12. Make space for the voices that nobody usually listens to.
  13. Protect the asset. (I am the asset.)
  14. Build community care into your routine.
  15. You can always begin again!

We were excited to see such positive messages emerge.  These words of wisdom remind us we are all in it together as we navigate this sector while caring for the wellbeing of the planet and humanity, along with our own wellbeing.

Natalie Rekstad
Founder & CEO
Black Fox Philanthropy

Katherine Redington
Vice President of Social Impact Journeys & Business Development
Elevate Destinations